EMERALD TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                                                                                                                            2243 Lundy Ave   |   San Jose, CA 95131   |   925-401-2004


5 Clues You've Found the Right-Size Contract Manufacturer

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If you've followed our 5 rules for finding the right-size CM you should be with the right-size contract manufacturing company. Here are five clues confirming you’ve found the right fit:

  • The bulk of the EMS provider’s business appears to be projects of similar size and scope in comparison to your project

  • The provider’s equipment appears right-sized for your production volumes

  • The EMS provider is willing to discuss costs and make recommendations to lower cost in your program

  • The EMS provider is large enough to have the capabilities you need, but small enough to feel your project is a significant piece of business

  • The EMS provider has a track record of working with customers in your industry and has been willing to make investments related to any special requirements found in your industry.

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